“Oh, the times they are a-changin.”

Pay-Phone (1).jpg

As Bob Dylan said 58 years ago, “Oh, the times they are a-changin'.” As Canadians can imagine a world opening up after the COVID-19 restrictions, we all admit that we have learned a lot about being connected with each other. That understanding has come from many months of being cut off from one other.

In Guatemala, people are still in the middle of a crippling pandemic. The Western world is only starting to share an enormous stockpile of vaccines. And Hearts and Hands continues to work in remote rural communities. So while we continue to walk and run, do yoga and other fun activities, let’s all spend a little time to remind ourselves about our real purpose.

Week #3 Stay-Cation Games Scavenger Hunt - Our Theme of the Week is “Community”

So how did the last week go? Did you find anything interesting? I didn’t know where to look for a pay phone so I asked on our local community Facebook page and right away people told me where they are! They were so helpful.

If you haven’t had a chance yet, this is a friendly reminder for the following.  

  • Tell us the roster of your team (even if it is just you).

  • Find a mascot and send us a picture. No mascot? Then you will do.

  • Find some sponsors or donors who will support you through this fun-raiser.

Well, we have more fun things for you to do this week. All photos and stories of your adventures can be sent to murdawg1353@gmail.com.  We can include them in next week’s blog.

This week’s Scavenger Hunt challenges for “Community” are as follows:

  • Find a street name starting with ‘W’.

  • Find something you or your team made. Here are some ideas: paper airplane, puzzle, garden bed, flower arrangement, birthday card, batch of beer or wine, homemade cheese, a birthday cake, brownies, woodworking project, etc.

  • Say “Hi” to two neighbours. Tell them about this challenge.

  • Help a neighbour or friend. Maybe they need help with their garden. If they don’t have a car, maybe a ride to the grocery store.

  • Phone a friend or family member you haven’t talked to for a while.


Don’t do it halfway!


Stay-Cation Games vs. the Olympics?